

Dr. Naz has been studying Numerology for over 10 years, Her method is based on the Pythagoras Numerology system, which is more than 2,500 years old. Dr. Naz believes that there are twelve Personal Years in Numerology, and by finding out which cycle you are in this year, you can use that information to your advantage! She also is an expert in Numerology Chart. By taking a look at your birth name, and the name you go by today, you will discover if you have any Master Numbers, what will fulfill your soul urge, your destiny number, and so much more! After evaluating approximately 10,000 numerology charts, and many live TV shows, she Simply reduces your birth date to a single number, eliminates all the major life lessons that you agreed to tackle in this life time! Dr. Naz takes no shortcuts when exploring your birth code. There is no bigger thrill for her than to help you to identify “What the heck am I here for?” Her job is to interpret the soul’s contract you wrote for yourself before you were born. Her goal is to put your life’s blue print back into your hands so you will have the tools you need to be the best you can be! Her passion is to help you see yourself and others in a different light!

Dr. Naz became a Reiki Master and Hypnotherapist years ago. She was eager to find a tool which would allow her to understand her clients on a much deeper level. What made them tick? Why did some choose to heal and others not? Dr. Naz quickly learned that a basic understanding of Numerology allowed her to be able to connect with her clients on a level that proved to be invaluable. She has previously appeared on several television shows and currently serves as a guest speaker on Tasvire Iran TV every Wednesday at 7:30 PM, with a rerun at 11:00 PM Pacific Standard Time. Dr. Naz’s warm, approachable and down to earth style invites a comfortable and safe healing experience for her clients. She is relaxed with a wonderful sense of humor. Dr. Naz’s life purpose is to help you to discover yours.